Karachi, Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tesuri announced a significant initiative to launch an Information Technology program in Hyderabad, targeting the empowerment and skill development of 50,000 students in its initial phase. During a press conference held in Karachi, Governor Tesuri unveiled plans for this comprehensive IT program, emphasizing the aim to make the youth self-reliant and capable of earning substantial incomes. Highlighting the program’s broad scope and its prioritization in Hyderabad following Karachi, the Governor expressed his invitation to workers and their children to participate in this transformative opportunity.
According to Sindh Governor House, the IT program is set to commence with a budget of PKR 50 crores, supported entirely by donors, indicating a significant investment in the region’s educational and economic development. Governor Tesuri revealed that the program’s website launch marks the beginning of a series of preparatory steps, including the establishment of an IT University in Hyderabad, with a location to be finalized within ten days.
The Governor underscored the program’s potential as a beacon of hope for the disillusioned youth, promising an array of courses ranging from basic IT skills to advanced fields like artificial intelligence. He assured that all courses would be offered free of charge for the first year, emphasizing the non-reliance on government funds thanks to the backing of a dedicated donor team.
Governor Tesuri’s announcement also addressed the broader economic implications of the initiative, comparing Pakistan’s IT exports unfavorably with India’s and identifying the lack of specialized courses and training as key obstacles to competitiveness in the international market. By equipping young Sindhis with the necessary skills and knowledge, the Governor expressed confidence in the program’s ability to kickstart significant earnings and contributions to the country’s economy.
This ambitious IT program in Hyderabad represents a strategic effort by the Sindh government to foster digital literacy, enhance employability, and drive economic growth through technology and innovation.