Government Forms Committee to Investigate May 9 Incidents, Affirms Free Speech: Info Minister

Islamabad, The Government has established a committee to investigate the events of May 9, 2023, as announced by the Caretaker Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Murtaza Solangi. This move comes as part of an effort to understand the causes of these incidents and to develop strategies to prevent their recurrence.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Solangi, in a discussion on a private news channel, revealed that the Caretaker Minister for Law and Justice would lead the committee, with critical support from the Interior Ministry. The committee is tasked with delivering its findings and recommendations within two weeks.

Solangi emphasized the government’s commitment to freedom of speech, stating that there are no restrictions on asking questions in the country. In response to inquiries about the general elections, he referred to article 218(3) of the Constitution, affirming that it is within the constitutional rights of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to set and modify the election schedule. The ECP has already announced the election date.

The Minister also addressed the security of political leaders, asserting that their protection is a shared responsibility of the federal and provincial governments. He recalled that elections in the past were conducted despite challenging weather and security conditions, underscoring the government’s confidence in the ECP and its duty to support the commission’s administrative and financial requirements.

Regarding an article published in “The Economist” by the Founding Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Solangi dismissed it as a “Ghost article” and denied claims that it was dispatched from jail. He labeled the article as propaganda.