Girls Throwball Coaching Camp Set to Begin in Quetta

QUETTA: The Balochistan Throwball Association will launch a Girls Throwball Coaching Camp starting tomorrow at the Mir Inayatullah Throwball Grand. The camp, aimed at students from various schools and colleges across Quetta, will be inaugurated by Imran Afridi, Secretary Information and Chairman of the Balochistan Throwball Association.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the coaching camp will feature comprehensive training sessions led by key figures in the sport, including Syed Naeem Akhtar, Secretary of the Balochistan Throwball Association, Manzoor Ahmad Sarpara, Technical Director and Chief Coach, and Kamran Siddique, Coach of Throwball. They will educate the participants on modern rules and techniques of throwball. Assistants Arsalan and Ikram will also support the coaching team throughout the camp.

This initiative is part of a broader effort to promote throwball among young women in the region, culminating in a girls throwball tournament scheduled after the camp. The association’s commitment to fostering sportsmanship and skill in throwball underscores its dedication to enhancing sports opportunities for girls in Balochistan.