Lucknow: Four Muslims were arrested for participating in Friday prayers at a newly constructed mosque in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh, a state governed by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
According to a statement by Kashmir Media Service, the incident gained attention after drone footage captured the congregational prayers at the tin-shed mosque in Jam Samant village. The arrests occurred following accusations from Himanshu Patel, president of the Hindu Jagran Manch’s youth wing, who claimed that the mosque was built without obtaining necessary permissions from the district administration.
Local police officials confirmed the arrest of four individuals and noted that three others are still at large. They also mentioned that restrictions on public gatherings were enforced in Bareilly in anticipation of India’s Republic Day celebrations.
The incident highlights the challenges faced by Muslims in India, particularly in states governed by the BJP. Members of religious minorities, including Muslims, Dalits, and Christians, have faced long-standing discrimination and continue to experience difficulties in practicing their religious freedoms.