Jammu, A series of forest fires in the districts of Poonch, Samba, and Jammu in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir have led to multiple mine explosions near the Line of Control (LoC) and posed threats to residential areas.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the fire in the Poonch district began across the LoC and quickly spread to the Indian side, particularly affecting the Mankote area in the Mendhar sub-sector. The intense heat from the fire caused several mines to explode, posing additional dangers to the firefighting efforts. Fortunately, there were no reported injuries or loss of life, although the fire consumed several hectares of forest land.
In Samba and Jammu districts, similar large-scale fires broke out and rapidly spread to adjacent villages, endangering homes and prompting local residents and forest department officials to initiate extensive firefighting operations. These efforts eventually controlled the fires, which caused considerable damage to the forested areas and threatened residential properties, but did not result in any casualties.