Srinagar, In a recent move by the Indian police, five young individuals were booked under the stringent Public Safety Act (PSA) in the Baramulla district of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Following their detention, they were relocated to high-security facilities in Jammu and Udhampur, sparking concerns over the use of the PSA in the region.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the detainees include Asif Ali Butt from Bandipora Tangmarg, Mohammad Yaqoob Butt from Tantraypora Palhallan, Waseem Meraj Farash from Khanpora, Bashir Ahmad Sualiah from Mohalla Jadeed Baramulla, and Bilal Ahmad Dar from Wussan Khoie Pattan. These individuals have been transferred to the District Jail in Udhampur and the Central Jail in Kot Bhalwal, Jammu, under the provisions of the PSA, a law often criticized for its broad and ambiguous criteria for detention.
The detention of these youths under the PSA, a legislation that allows for detention without trial for extended periods, highlights ongoing tensions and the complex security dynamics in the region of Jammu and Kashmir.