Srinagar, A significant fire incident occurred at the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) headquarters in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir. The fire caused extensive damage to one of the barracks in the facility.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the fire broke out in a barrack within the BSF compound in the Sanat Nagar area of Srinagar. The affected barrack included an officer’s mess, office, and dining hall. The intensity of the blaze led to considerable damage to the property.
Officials handling the situation reported that seven fire tenders were deployed to extinguish the flames. They confirmed that there were no casualties or injuries resulting from the incident. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation to determine the circumstances that led to this event.
The incident underscores the importance of safety measures and emergency preparedness in such critical installations. Further details and updates on the investigation are expected to follow.