Finance Minister Honors Martyr’s Family on Defence Day in Emotional Visit

Islamabad: In a poignant tribute to the sacrifices made by Pakistan’s armed forces on Defence Day, Finance Minister Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb visited the family of the late Lance Naik Waqar Hussain Shah. The minister met with the widow and children of the martyr, expressing the nation’s gratitude and pledging continued support.

According to Press Information Department, Senator Aurangzeb shared words of comfort with Mrs. Sania Nazir and her children, reflecting on the nation’s indebtedness to her husband’s bravery and sacrifice. “Our martyrs are the pride of the nation, and their sacrifices serve as a beacon of courage and patriotism for generations to come,” the Finance Minister stated during his visit. He emphasized the collective respect and gratitude of the country toward the families of the martyrs.

Mrs. Nazir thanked the Minister for his visit and shared her commitment to instill a spirit of patriotism in her children. The government reassured the family of its ongoing support and recognition of Shaheed Waqar’s ultimate sacrifice. The Finance Minister also acknowledged the steadfast efforts of the Pakistan Army and other security forces in maintaining national security and peace.

The visit culminated with prayers for Shaheed Waqar Hussain Shah and all other martyrs who have laid down their lives for the country, reinforcing their enduring legacy in the hearts of the Pakistani people.