Finance Minister Aurangzeb Meets with K-Electric to Discuss Energy Improvements and Financial Issues

Islamabad: In a crucial meeting at the Finance Division today, Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue, Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb, engaged with top executives from K-Electric to address ongoing financial concerns and strategies for enhancing electricity service in Karachi.

According to Ministry of Finance announcement issued on 08 July 2024, the meeting was attended by K-Electric CEO Syed Moonis Abdullah Alvi, CFO Muhammad Aamir Ghaziani, and Chief of Regulatory Affairs Muhammad Imran Qureshi. The K-Electric representatives discussed the progress made following an agreement with the government earlier this year, highlighting efforts to implement new generation projects aimed at improving the utility’s electricity mix. Additionally, they voiced concerns over the delayed payments of consumer bills collected through the post office.

Senator Aurangzeb responded to these issues by assuring the K-Electric team that the government would address the delays in payments. He urged the utility to focus on improving service delivery in Karachi and to hasten its plans for integrating cheaper generation capacities, with the aim of reducing electricity costs for consumers.

The meeting concluded with a reaffirmation of the government’s commitment to supporting K-Electric in its endeavors to enhance electricity provision and financial operations in the region.