Federal Minister for Energy demands timely completion of NTDC projectsUnited Nations Calls for Global Action Against Racism on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Islamabad, The Federal Minister for Energy, Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Laghari, has chaired a meeting focusing on the development projects of the National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC). During the meeting, the Minister expressed dissatisfaction with NTDC’s performance, emphasizing the importance of timely completing transmission line projects. These are critical for the evacuation of affordable energy from hydropower and other sources. Laghari made it clear that no lapses in project execution would be tolerated under any circumstances.

According to Ministry of Energy, the Federal Minister pointed out the significant impact delayed projects could have on the nation’s ability to access lower-cost energy, particularly from hydel sources. The timely completion of NTDC’s transmission lines was underscored as a vital component for ensuring the stable and efficient supply of electricity across the country. The Minister’s directives highlight the government’s commitment to improving energy infrastructure and reducing dependency on expensive energy sources.

The meeting underscores a critical moment for the NTDC and the country’s energy sector, with the Federal Minister for Energy signaling a no-tolerance policy for delays and inefficiencies. This stance is part of a broader strategy to enhance Pakistan’s energy infrastructure and ensure that citizens benefit from more affordable and reliable energy supplies.

New York, The United Nations marked the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21, 2024, with a powerful message from the Secretary-General, calling for a unified effort to combat racism worldwide. The statement emphasized the pernicious effects of racism, a legacy of colonialism and enslavement, highlighting its devastating impact on individuals and communities through the violation of rights, denial of dignity, and destruction of lives. This year’s theme focuses on the unique challenges faced by people of African descent, urging for recognition, justice, and development in response to their history of systemic and institutionalized racism.

According to United Nations Pakistan, the Secretary-General pointed out that racism not only remains widespread but also affects communities in differing ways. He stressed the importance of learning from and building on the advocacy of people of African descent to address these challenges effectively. The call to action includes urging governments to advance policies aimed at eradicating racism against people of African descent and pressing technology firms to address racial biases within artificial intelligence systems.

The Secretary-General’s message underscored the commitment to fostering a world where dignity, justice, and equal opportunity are available to every community, everywhere. This day serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle against racism and the collective effort required to dismantle the barriers it creates.