Federal Minister Ahsan Iqbal Calls for Enhanced Civil Service Training at NSPP Board Meeting

Islamabad: In a significant move to bolster the capabilities of Pakistan’s civil servants, Mr. Ahsan Iqbal, the Federal Minister for Planning, Development & Special Initiatives, presided over the 24th Board of Governance meeting of the National School of Public Policy (NSPP) today. The meeting, which included key figures from various government sectors and educational institutions, focused on enhancing training to ensure effective governance and address the nation’s future challenges.

According to Press Information Department, the meeting saw attendance from representatives of the Finance Division, Establishment Division, the Rector of NSPP, as well as members from LUMS and SDPI, some of whom joined via video link. Mr. Iqbal emphasized the critical need to prepare civil servants for the modern demands of governance by equipping them with updated knowledge and skills. He highlighted the importance of a citizen-centric approach and the utilization of technology in public administration.

The Minister advocated for specialized training courses at universities to sharpen skills across various sectors and instructed NSPP to elevate its professional standards to the level of National Defence University (NDU). He underscored the necessity of international standard training programs and called for the adoption of best international practices to improve decision-making and efficiency among civil servants.

Furthermore, Mr. Iqbal recommended the recruitment of highly qualified trainers with competitive salaries to attract top talent and suggested faculty exchange programs with international institutions to boost the quality of training. To strengthen NSPP’s capacity, he proposed adding experts in public policy and human resources to its board.

Addressing economic concerns, Mr. Iqbal also cautioned against unnecessary foreign tours, stressing prudent financial management especially given the country’s reliance on loans. He remarked on the need for careful expenditure, asserting that frivolous spending is unaffordable under the current economic conditions.

The meeting marks a step forward in reforming the training and development of Pakistan’s civil service, aiming to create a more efficient, technologically adept, and decision-capable workforce to meet the administrative demands of the future.