Experts Challenge Indian Claims of Pakistani Role in Kashmir Struggle

Srinagar: International experts on the Kashmir issue have contested India’s claims that Pakistan is orchestrating the ongoing freedom movement in the region, labeling these allegations as misrepresentations meant to overshadow the local roots of the struggle.

According to Kashmir Media Service, specialists argue that the assertions by the Indian government are an attempt to divert attention from the indigenous origins of the conflict in Kashmir. “The Indian government’s allegations are a clear disregard for the facts on the ground,” stated one expert, pointing out that recent activities by local freedom fighters in Southern Jammu’s Doda region have posed significant challenges for Indian forces.

The discussion highlighted that the Kashmiri movement is fundamentally driven by the region’s long-standing demand for self-determination and is exacerbated by the Indian administration’s suppression of local sentiments and governance failures. “The Indian government’s attempt to label this resistance as ‘foreign-funded militancy’ is a clear attempt to deflect attention from their own failures,” another expert added.

Despite substantial investments in high-tech security measures along the Line of Control (LoC) and other borders, such as surveillance cameras and infrared walls, Indian claims of infiltration continue to be publicly questioned. Experts noted the contradictions in the Indian military’s operations that focus intensively on local insurgents, citing instances of wanted posters and social media campaigns targeting individuals from within the region itself.

Experts also criticized the Indian narrative for ignoring the genuine grievances of the Kashmiri population, emphasizing that the allegations of Pakistani involvement lack substantial evidence and serve mainly to distract from the real issues. “It’s time for the Indian government to acknowledge the indigenous nature of the Kashmir freedom movement and engage in meaningful dialogue to address the region’s long-standing concerns,” remarked an analyst.

This critique comes amid recent developments where Indian forces showcased two local individuals accused of being freedom fighters or overground workers, yet without presenting conclusive proof of Pakistani involvement. As tensions persist, international observers are calling for a revised approach by India, focusing on addressing the underlying causes of unrest and respecting the political aspirations of the Kashmiri people.