Elections in Kashmir Draw Criticism for Alleged Manipulation

Srinagar: As the scheduled polls in Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir near, scrutiny and skepticism intensify regarding their legitimacy. The elections, described as sham by critics, are seen as a strategic move by India to consolidate control over the disputed region, while purportedly undermining the international calls for a fair resolution to the longstanding Kashmir conflict.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the impending elections are part of a pattern where the Indian government uses judicial decisions to influence the electoral outcome in Kashmir. The Indian Supreme Court’s recent rulings on the region have faced criticism for allegedly bolstering the political objectives of the BJP-led central government rather than upholding judicial independence. Critics argue that these decisions are part of a broader strategy to suppress pro-Kashmiri sentiments and to legitimize India’s governance over the region despite local and international objections.

The narrative surrounding the elections ties back to historical instances in 1977 and 1987, where the electoral processes were widely regarded as manipulated to favor pro-India parties. Observers suggest that the upcoming elections could follow a similar trajectory, undermining the credibility of the electoral process and possibly igniting further political unrest in the region. The international community remains watchful, as the outcome of these elections could significantly impact the geopolitical stability of South Asia.