Srinagar, In a move that has attracted significant criticism, authorities in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir prevented the holding of Eid-ul-Fitr prayers at the historic Jamia Masjid in Srinagar. This action is part of broader restrictions impacting the region’s Muslim population during a period traditionally marked by communal prayers and celebrations.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the local administration, under the BJP regime, enforced a heavy security presence, including military and police forces, across the region to thwart any assembly for Eid prayers. This has been seen as a continuation of the stringent measures affecting the political and religious liberties in the area.
Further intensifying the situation, senior leaders from the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), including Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, were reportedly placed under house arrest, preventing them from leading or participating in the Eid prayers. The prohibition of prayers at significant religious sites like the Jamia Masjid and Eidgah in Srinagar has underscored the ongoing tensions and the clampdown on public religious observances.
The report also highlights the continued detention of numerous Kashmiri political and religious figures, emphasizing the enduring conflict and its ramifications for the local populace.