Efforts afoot to seek viable solution to issue of electricity bills PM

Islamabad, September 03, 2023 (PPI-OT): Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul -Haq Kakar says government’s finance and power teams are working round-the-clock to seek a viable and durable solution to the issue of electricity bills. In an exclusive interview with a private TV channel on Sunday night, he said, in this regard, the execution plan for proper implementation of energy conservation will be revealed soon.

The Prime Minister appealed to the nation, including business community and Ulema, to help government in implementing this plan. The Prime Minister stressed that extreme social and economic attitudes should be avoided for the betterment of society.

He said unjustifiable contracts with IPPs, bad transmission lines and electricity thefts have multiplied the miseries of middle class by putting some extra economic burden. He said, being a member of middle class of the country, he fully realizes the miseries of people and efforts are being made to resolve the multidimensional problem of electricity bills.

Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar said efforts are also afoot to improve the economic and social net of the country, which would be beneficial for our middle and underprivileged class. Categorically refuting the impression to prolong his stay as the caretaker prime minister, Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar said that he would never violate the law of the land.

Highlighting the importance of independent judiciary in a state, he said we will fully enforce the decision of higher judiciary regarding the conduct of election, and will assist the Election Commission in this regard. Terming the 9 May incident as violent, Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar said this kind of manipulation is not acceptable in any form of the government.

He said due process of law would be implemented against all those who took the law in their hands in this incident. To a question regarding Cipher issue, he said this matter is sub-judice and the best judicial minds will deliberate on it. Regarding restoration of relations with India, the Prime Minister said the decision to this effect should be made by Indian polity and consciousness, and the world will find Pakistan as a responsible partner.

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