New Delhi, The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has issued a summons to National Conference (NC) President Farooq Abdullah for Tuesday, in relation to a case concerning alleged financial irregularities within the Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA). This move highlights the ongoing investigations into financial management within regional sports associations.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the summons is part of the ED’s inquiry into the financial activities of the JKCA, aiming to scrutinize the specifics of the alleged irregularities. Farooq Abdullah, a prominent political figure and the former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, has been asked to appear before the ED for questioning regarding the case.
Responding to the summons, Abdullah, who is currently in Jammu, stated that he would not be able to comply with the request to visit the ED’s office immediately. He has expressed his intention to visit the office upon his return to Srinagar, signaling his willingness to cooperate with the investigation once he is geographically able to do so.
This summons to Farooq Abdullah by the ED is a significant development in the investigation into the financial dealings of the JKCA, reflecting the broader efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in the management of sports associations across India.