Srinagar, India’s Enforcement Directorate (ED) has recently filed a charge-sheet against three Kashmiri individuals in a case dating back to 2015. The case, which involves allegations related to the ongoing freedom movement in the region, has been brought before a special court in Srinagar.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the individuals charged are Mudasir Ahmed Sheikh, Mushtaq Ahmed Kambay, and Muhammad Iqbal Khan. The charge-sheet filed by the ED marks a significant development in a case that has been pending for several years. The 2015 case has been a subject of controversy and has garnered attention due to its connection with the broader context of the freedom movement in Kashmir.
Additionally, the report mentions two other persons, Abbas Sheikh and Tauseef Ahmad Sheikh, who were also implicated in the case. However, both individuals were reportedly killed by Indian troops in what have been described as fake encounters. The circumstances surrounding their deaths have added a layer of complexity to the case and have raised questions regarding the treatment of individuals associated with the freedom movement in Kashmir.
The filing of this charge-sheet is likely to be a focal point of discussion in the region, as it touches upon the sensitive and ongoing issue of the Kashmiri struggle for autonomy. The progression of this case in the judicial system will be closely watched, both locally and internationally, for its implications on the broader political dynamics in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).