Dukki, In preparation for the upcoming Eid-ul-Zha festivities, Deputy Commissioner Kaleemullah Kakar chaired a crucial meeting to fortify security measures and ensure public safety during the holiday. The session focused on intensifying patrols, blockades, and the monitoring of strategic points throughout the district.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, key officials including Assistant Commissioner Dukki Zahoor Ahmed Baloch, Assistant Commissioner Loni Biberg Lahri, and leaders from the Levies force attended the meeting. They discussed detailed strategies to curb street crime and other potential disruptions during this significant time.
Deputy Commissioner Kakar emphasized the importance of heightened security, especially during nighttime. He instructed the Levies personnel to conduct thorough checks on suspicious individuals and vehicles to preemptively address criminal activities. Additionally, the security of entry and exit routes of the city will be tightly controlled with ongoing checks to maintain a safe environment for all residents and visitors.
The meeting also underscored the necessity of a strong security presence at crowded places to prevent any untoward incidents during the Eid celebrations. Participants of the meeting committed to employing all available resources and measures to safeguard the public, echoing a collective resolve to ensure a peaceful and orderly Eid-ul-Zha.