Dukki, Deputy Commissioner District Dukki Captain (Retired) Fayyaz Ali conducted an inspection of various Levies police stations, accompanied by Levies Force Risaldar Muhammad Israr Tareen. During the visit, he reviewed the condition of the facilities, including arms, wireless system, and building maintenance. He also assessed the overall readiness of the Levies Force in the district.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the Deputy Commissioner urged the Levies Force to closely monitor the entry and exit routes of Dukki district, calling for increased checking and patrolling to ensure public safety. He emphasized the need for the force to remain vigilant and take swift action against suspicious individuals and criminals. He also indicated that strict measures would be taken against Levies officials who neglect their duties.
The Deputy Commissioner stated that the safety of life and property is the government’s top priority, and that all available resources are being utilized to achieve this goal. By ensuring the proper functioning of the Levies police stations and maintaining strict vigilance, the district aims to protect its citizens from criminal activities.
The inspection highlighted the importance of law enforcement in maintaining order and security in Dukki district. The Deputy Commissioner’s visit aimed to reinforce the need for accountability and effective policing to safeguard the public.