Dr. Rubaba Khan Buledi Appointed to Head Women Empowerment Committee in Balochistan

Quetta: In an impactful move to boost women’s rights and empowerment, Dr. Rubaba Khan Buledi has been appointed as the Chairperson of the newly formed Women Empowerment Committee in Balochistan.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the committee, under Dr. Buledi’s leadership, will focus on a wide range of issues crucial to improving women’s lives across the province. These include the enforcement of recruitment quotas for women in governmental roles, fair practices at female-oriented businesses and events, involvement of women in law and order bodies, and the enforcement of anti-harassment laws.

Additionally, the committee will oversee amendments related to women’s inheritance rights and the facilitation of public events for women. Dr. Buledi, along with committee members such as Commissioner of Quetta Division Ms. Pari Gul Tareen and others, aims to spearhead substantial changes that support gender equality and women’s active participation in all societal aspects.