Dr. Fai Highlights Pakistan’s Role as Beacon of Hope for Kashmiris at Islamabad Event

Islamabad, At a significant gathering in Islamabad, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General of the World Kashmir Awareness Forum, lauded Pakistan’s unwavering support for the Kashmiri people, emphasizing its crucial role as a source of hope and a key player in keeping the Kashmir issue alive on the global stage.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the event, hosted by business leader Shafiq Butt in Islamabad, featured prominent figures from various Kashmiri and Pakistani advocacy and political groups. Dr. Fai stressed the need for intense and well-coordinated international lobbying to spotlight the dire human rights situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir, critiqued by India’s actions against the Kashmiri populace.

During his address, Dr. Fai called on the international community to take a stand against what he described as the “illegal and immoral actions” of the Indian government in Kashmir, comparing the situation to other global human rights crises that have garnered international intervention. He condemned India’s targeted killings, which he stated violated international human rights law and the Geneva Conventions.

Also speaking at the event were Muhammad Ghalib, President of Tehreek Kashmir Europe, and Raja Faheem Kayani, President of Tehreek Kashmir UK, who both declared steadfast solidarity with Kashmiris’ rights to self-determination and autonomy. Altaf Ahmed Butt, Chairman of the Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement, described the Kashmir conflict as a potential nuclear flashpoint and called for a Kashmir-focused Pakistani foreign policy.

Dr. Mushtaq, Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami Azad Kashmir, affirmed his commitment to supporting the Kashmir freedom movement through political and diplomatic efforts, aiming to honor the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs.

The gathering concluded with the host, Shafiq Ahmed Butt, announcing an upcoming major conference dedicated to the Jammu and Kashmir issue, inviting key international stakeholders to further discuss and support the cause.