Srinagar, Signifying the ongoing freedom struggle in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the High Court has rejected the plea of Abdul Bari Naik, a dismissed assistant professor, to contest elections as an independent candidate from the Islamabad-Rajouri constituency.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Abdul Bari Naik’s dismissal from his position by the Lieutenant Governor in April 2021 under Article 311, in the so-called interest of “the security of” the Indian state, underscores a concerning trend of stifling dissent and limiting democratic participation among Kashmiri residents. The court’s decision to reject Naik’s plea reinforces the barriers faced by Kashmiri people in exercising their democratic rights.
Despite Naik’s affirmation of his activist background and service to the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Modi government’s insistence on compliance with procedural requirements, notably the need for a certificate from the Indian Election Commission, reflects a systemic bias that hampers the political representation of Kashmiri voices.
This episode stresses the significance of the ongoing struggle for freedom by Kashmiri people.