Discrepancies in Reports on Troop Deployment in Kashmir Undermine Indian Media Credibility

New Delhi, In New Delhi, recent publications from Indian media outlets have faced criticism for potentially undermining their credibility with conflicting reports on the number of troops deployed in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). A report by The Asian Age presented figures starkly different from those claimed by other sources regarding troop numbers in the region.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the Defence and Faith Research and Analysis Centre (DFRAC) countered claims by reporting that only 340,000 Indian troops are stationed in IIOJK. This number contrasts sharply with The Asian Age’s 2019 report, which stated that approximately 950,000 personnel from various military branches are actively guarding the Kashmir Valley. This discrepancy has sparked debate over the accuracy and integrity of Indian media’s reporting on sensitive military matters.

The Asian Age’s report has raised significant concerns about the trustworthiness of the narratives pushed by some of India’s major media outlets, challenging the veracity of the DFRAC’s lower troop deployment figures and calling into question the overall transparency of information disseminated to the public.