Digitization of Utility Stores Corporation will be completed soon: Khusro

Islamabad, November 08, 2021 (PPI-OT):Minister for Industries and Production Khusro Bakhtiar says the digitization program of Utility Stores Corporation will soon be completed. Chairing a meeting on automation of utility stores, in Islamabad on Monday, he said automation of utility stores will make easy provision of essential commodities to people under Ehsaas Programme. The Minister said the government will provide targeted subsidies at the utility stores for Ehsaas program beneficiaries by linking their Ehsaas Cards or national identity cards with the sale points.

The Managing Director of Utility Stores Corporation briefed the Chair on digitalization programme. He informed the meeting that Utility Stores Corporation has completed the automation of utility stores in Islamabad region, shifting 20 percent of total sales on automation, which would be inaugurated in next week.

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