DFP Raises Alarm Over Conditions of Kashmiri Detainees in Indian Jails

Srinagar: The Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has voiced deep concerns regarding the harsh conditions faced by Kashmiri detainees in various Indian and local jails, citing severe deprivation of basic needs and communication restrictions.

According to Kashmir Media Service, DFP spokesman Advocate Arshad Iqbal highlighted the dire circumstances in which these prisoners are kept, including the detrimental impact of extreme weather, and the lack of essential provisions such as clean water, nutritious food, and medical care. Iqbal detailed that numerous detainees have suffered from serious health issues due to these inadequate conditions.

The statement further addressed the emotional and psychological toll on the prisoners arising from new restrictions, notably the suspension of weekly phone calls that previously allowed them to maintain contact with distant family members. The absence of these calls has reportedly led to increased cases of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress among the detainees.

Iqbal urgently called on international human rights bodies to intervene, emphasizing that the treatment of Kashmiri detainees constitutes a grave violation of human rights. He also underscored the plight of DFP Chairman Shabbir Ahmed Shah and other Hurriyat leaders, urging global community action to facilitate their prompt release.