Deputy Prime Minister of Pakistan Addresses Urgent Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza at High-Level Conference

Amman, In a high-level conference held in Jordan, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Pakistan delivered a strong statement on the urgent humanitarian response needed for Gaza, condemning the ongoing violence and outlining steps for international cooperation and peace efforts.

According to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the conference was attended by prominent leaders including His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt, UN Secretary General António Guterres, and President Mahmood Abbas of Palestine, among others. The Deputy Prime Minister highlighted the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza, noting the significant casualties and displacement caused by ongoing conflicts, and criticized the international community’s response to the situation.

The statement outlined a multi-faceted approach for addressing the crisis, including ensuring a durable ceasefire, increasing humanitarian aid, imposing an embargo on military supplies to Israel, and supporting a two-state solution with the immediate recognition of the State of Palestine. The Deputy Prime Minister also proposed an international peace conference to advance this agenda.

Pakistan, showing solidarity with Palestine, has sent significant humanitarian aid and expressed commitment to supporting reconstruction efforts in Gaza, particularly in the education sector. The conference underscored the need for a unified approach to resolve the conflict and ensure peace and security in the region.