Srinagar, The Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir has expressed its support for recent statements made by Pakistan Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif regarding the Kashmir issue.
According to Kashmir Media Service, DFP spokesman Advocate Arshad Iqbal praised Prime Minister Sharif for drawing international attention to the struggles faced by the people of Kashmir and Palestine. Sharif’s call for proactive international involvement to secure self-determination rights for these communities came during a recent public address. “The world community’s attention towards the pain and plight of the Kashmiri and Palestinian people is crucial,” said Iqbal, echoing Sharif’s sentiments.
The DFP also acknowledged the Pakistan military’s stance, as top officials in Rawalpindi affirmed their solidarity with the Kashmiri fight for self-determination and condemned the ongoing human rights violations in Palestine, positioning the military in support of these communities’ struggles for justice.