Bareilly, In an alarming incident at the Nawabganj tehsil office in Bareilly district, a Dalit watchman named Veerendra Dhanuk was physically assaulted by two home guards following a dispute related to voting and ration distribution.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the conflict originated from an altercation concerning allegations that Dhanuk claimed free government ration but did not vote for the incumbent government. The confrontation escalated when Dhanuk was verbally and physically attacked by home guards identified as Rampal Gangwar and Veerpal Gangwar.
Dhanuk reported the assault to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, detailing that the guards berated him for not supporting the ruling party, despite availing government benefits. A distressing video capturing the incident surfaced online, showing Dhanuk being kicked, slapped, and subdued with a boot pressed against his face.
The incident reportedly began when Dhanuk attempted to defend the Dalit community from derogatory comments made by the home guards. He refuted additional allegations made by the guards that he was intoxicated and had improperly parked a vehicle, asserting that he neither owns nor knows how to operate a bike. Following the attack, Dhanuk has called for severe punitive measures against the assailants and has lodged a formal complaint.
The episode drew further attention when the Rashtriya Janata Dal shared the video on its X, formerly known as Twitter, platform, highlighting the severity of the attack and the inflammatory remarks made by one of the assailants regarding Dhanuk’s voting choices.