Amritsar, Kanwar Pal Singh, a leader of the Dal Khalsa, has openly criticized the Indian Supreme Court’s recent verdict on Article 370, asserting that the court’s decision aligns predictably with the Indian government’s political stance. This statement comes as a significant critique of the judiciary’s role in a highly contentious political issue.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Kanwar Pal Singh, in response to the Indian Supreme Court’s ruling on the abrogation of Article 370 in Kashmir, stated that the decision was expected and reflects the court’s inability to remain detached from political influences. Singh highlighted the ongoing deprivation of rights faced by the Kashmiri people, suggesting that expecting the apex court to overturn the government’s decision would have been naive. His comments underscore a broader skepticism about the impartiality and independence of the judiciary in matters of significant political controversy.
Singh further questioned how the Indian government and judiciary could overlook the fact that the Kashmir dispute remains a topic on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council. This statement points to the international dimensions of the Kashmir issue and the continued global interest and concern regarding the region’s status and the rights of its people.
The reaction from Singh and others reflects the deep divisions and ongoing debate surrounding the status of Kashmir and the role of various Indian institutions, including the judiciary, in addressing this complex and sensitive issue. The Supreme Court’s verdict continues to elicit a range of responses, highlighting the multifaceted nature of the dispute and its implications for regional and international politics.