CPI-M Leader Tarigami Calls for Unity Among IIOJK Political Parties

Srinagar: Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami, a senior leader of the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M), has made a plea for unity among all political parties in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, emphasizing the need to collectively fight for the restoration and protection of the people’s democratic rights.

According to Kashmir Media Service, during a press interaction in Laroo village, Kulgam district, Tarigami highlighted the significant discrepancies between the promises made by the Indian government and the current realities faced by the residents of the region. He stressed the importance of a united front among local political entities to effectively address these issues.

Tarigami also mentioned that the CPI-M has been actively encouraging members of the left-wing parties in Parliament to vocalize the injustices that have been imposed on the Kashmiri people since August 5, 2019, when their special constitutional status was revoked. He described the prevailing conditions in Kashmir as deeply troubling and called for immediate action to align the region’s governance with the principles initially promised.