CPI-M Criticizes BJP Governments for Actions in Bilkis Bano Case

New Delhi, The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) has voiced its approval of the Indian Supreme Court’s decision to annul the remission granted to eleven convicts in the Bilkis Bano gang-rape case, accusing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led governments at the Center and in Gujarat of acting in complicity with the convicts.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Indian Supreme Court, on Monday, overturned the Gujarat government’s decision to grant remission to eleven individuals convicted of gang-raping Bilkis Bano, who was pregnant at the time, and murdering at least fourteen members of her family during the 2002 anti-Muslim riots in Gujarat.

The Supreme Court ordered the convicts to return to prison within two weeks, stating that the Gujarat government had committed a fraud in justifying the remission order. The CPI-M highlighted that the Supreme Court’s judgment noted the potential societal impact if convicts could avoid the consequences of their actions, stating, “peace and tranquility in the society will be reduced to a Chimera.”

Furthermore, the CPI-M pointed out that the Gujarat government’s admission that its decision was also based on the concurrence of the Central government implicates the Modi administration in the complicity. The party criticized the remission for failing to consider the severity of the crimes and their broader impact on society and the rule of law.

In its statement, the CPI-M emphasized the importance of governments acting within legal boundaries, warning that violations could jeopardize India’s democratic existence.