New Delhi, April 19, 2023 (PPI-OT): In a shocking incident, a police officer verbally abused and assaulted a 73-year-old woman at Dharmadam Police Station in Kannur district of the Indian state of Kerala. The incident took place when the woman went to bail out her 52-year-old son, Sunil Kumar K, who was detained on accusations of hitting another vehicle. A video of the incident viral on social media shown the Circle Inspector Smitesh abusing the woman while other police officers can also be seen trying to control the officer who was in civilian clothes. The video was recorded by Sunil Kumar and his brother on their mobile phone. Sunil Kumar told the media that the officer, who was in an inebriated condition, had beaten everyone.
The incident has caused outrage on social media, with many calling for action against the officer. The City Police Commissioner, Ajith Kumar, informed the media that the officer is being suspended from service on the basis of a preliminary inquiry conducted by the Special Branch. While talking to the media, Sunil Kumar has expressed his disappointment and said that an officer sitting on a responsible post should not behave in such a shameful manner.
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