Continued Reports of Extrajudicial Killings in Kashmir Amid Crackdown

Srinagar: Reports of extrajudicial killings and staged encounters in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir persist, with new incidents surfacing amidst ongoing aggressive operations by Indian forces. The latest such incident involves the death of a young local, Riyaz Ahmad Dar, in what has been labeled a fabricated encounter in Baramulla, highlighting a grim pattern of human rights abuses in the region.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the death of Dar is part of a broader context of violence that has seen 96,340 Kashmiris killed since 1989, with 7,347 of those deaths occurring in circumstances described as fake encounters or while in custody. These incidents are underpinned by stringent laws and a lack of accountability for Indian troops, contributing to a sustained period of severe oppression.

The persistence of such acts, amid international silence, raises serious questions about global responsibility and the effectiveness of international mechanisms in addressing and curbing human rights violations. The situation calls for urgent international attention and action to hold the Indian administration accountable for its continued violations of the UN Charter and human rights standards.

Despite facing severe adversity, the Kashmiri population remains resilient, steadfastly opposing India’s heavy-handed tactics and continuing to demand justice and respect for their fundamental rights.