Congressional Report Highlights Severe Human Rights Violations in Kashmir

Washington D.C, The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has issued a report detailing significant human rights violations in India, specifically in the region of Kashmir. The report accuses Hindu extremist groups, allegedly supported by the BJP government and its affiliate, the RSS, of perpetrating these violations, which have attracted international scrutiny.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the CRS report indicates that Kashmir, a territory with international disputes, has suffered greatly under the presence of nearly a million Indian military and paramilitary personnel. Since the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2019, which revoked the region’s special status, the situation has reportedly worsened, with widespread detentions under the Special Powers Act and other severe abuses reported.

The report also criticizes the Indian government for its broader treatment of minorities, citing a lack of action against officials involved in human rights violations and noting an increase in such incidents since Modi’s administration began. International bodies have echoed these concerns, with India being described as moving towards authoritarianism and flagged for its lack of press freedom and internet censorship.