New Delhi, In a strategic move ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge unveiled a “Black Paper” critiquing the performance of the BJP-led government, accusing it of failing in key areas such as employment and inflation.
According to Kashmir Media Service, during a press conference in New Delhi, Kharge presented the document titled “10 Saal Anyay Kaal (2014-2024)” (A Ten-Year Period of Injustice), emphasizing the Opposition INDIA bloc’s commitment to addressing the injustices perpetrated by the current administration. The Congress leader argued that while Prime Minister Narendra Modi frequently touts his government’s achievements, significant failures are consistently overlooked, necessitating the release of the “Black Paper” to inform the public.
Kharge highlighted unemployment as a major issue neglected by the Modi government, criticizing its tendency to compare its decade-long tenure unfavorably against the achievements of India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, without acknowledging the employment opportunities created during Nehru’s era.
The Congress chief also pointed out the Prime Minister’s omission of critical issues such as unemployment, inflation, and farmers’ concerns in his parliamentary speeches, accusing him of diverting attention to irrelevant topics.
Moreover, Kharge shed light on the perceived discrimination against non-BJP ruled states, citing protests by the governments of Karnataka and Kerala in New Delhi as evidence of neglect.
This release of the “Black Paper” by the Congress Party marks a significant effort to challenge the BJP government’s narrative and rally public support in the lead-up to the crucial Lok Sabha elections.