New Delhi, The Indian National Congress announced it will abstain from participating in television debates on Lok Sabha exit polls, emphasizing a refusal to engage in speculative discussions ahead of the official election results.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Congress spokesperson and head of the party’s media department, Pawan Khera, expressed that the decision reflects the party’s desire to maintain a dignified silence until the results are officially announced on June 4. “The results will be out on 4th June. Prior to that, we do not see any reason to indulge in speculation and slugfest for TRP,” Khera stated. He further clarified that the Congress would resume its participation in televised debates post-results, focusing on constructive discussions that inform the public.
The party’s decision comes after internal consultations, aiming to distance itself from the media frenzy often associated with exit polls and to focus on more substantive issues following the announcement of the votes.