Congress Leader Accuses BJP of Exploiting Kashmir, Destroying Region’s Identity

Jammu: Raman Bhalla, the Congress President of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government of exploiting the people of Kashmir and stripping the region of its identity and rights. In a vehement speech during a public meeting, Bhalla criticized the BJP for corruption and failing to fulfill its promises to the local population.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Bhalla charged the BJP with taking away IIOJK’s autonomy, including control over jobs, land, trade, and transport. He detailed how selections and recruitments in the region have been tainted by corruption and scams, undermining the territory’s governance.

“People have been exploited in the name of a bright future, controlled prices, and jobs. But all their promises have fallen flat, except politics of hate and division,” Bhalla stated. He urged the local populace not to vote for BJP candidates, whom he accused of prioritizing personal gain over public welfare.