Concern expressed over grim situation in IIOJK 

Geneva, June 24, 2022 (PPI-OT):The APHC delegation attending the ongoing 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva has expressed serious concern over the genocidal situation faced by the young Kashmiri boy under India’s illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir.

The member of delegation Hassan Al-Bana met the German Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Katherine Stasch, and urged that it is responsibility of the world community to stand against injustices which people of Kashmir mostly young boys are facing due to unresolved Kashmir dispute.

He urged her to take notice of violation of human rights, systematic killing of Kashmiri boys and search operations that affect their education in the Kashmir Valley which is crime against humanity in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Hassan Al-Bana said thousands of fathers in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir have lost their sons at the hands of brutal Indian troops while over the past 33 years, Indian state terrorism has rendered 107,860 children orphaned and 22,944 women widowed in the territory. In IIOJK, hundreds of young boys have lost their complete or partial eyesight in one or both the eyes due to the firing of lethal pellets by Indian troops and paramilitary personnel on peaceful protesters since 2010.

Hassan Al-Bana briefed the German Ambassador that thousands of Kashmiris, mostly children, are facing psychological trauma because of the terror created by Indian forces in their continued cordon and search operations and killing of their fathers by Indian troops, paramilitary and police personnel and also because of illegal detention in Indian jails.

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