Lahore, May 23, 2022 (PPI-OT):Chief Minister Punjab Hamza Shahbaz has said that Shireen Mazari as a woman is respect worthy and he has ordered for her release. In a statement issued here today, Hamza Shahbaz said that the arrest of any woman does not hold compatibility with our the moral values. He maintained that investigation should also be made against the Anti-Corruption staff for arresting Shireen Mazari.
Hamza Shahbaz underscored that if the arrest is inevitable as a result of investigation then the law will take its own course. CM said that he does not agree with the arrest procedure of Shireen Mazari adding that PML-N as a political party believes in giving respect to the women. CM condemned the indecent language being uttered about Maryam Nawaz but taking revenge is not our tradition and practice. CM directed Rawalpindi police to ensure release of Shireen Mazari from the custody of Anti-Corruption.
For more information, contact:
Office of the Chief Minister of Punjab
Government of the Punjab
8-Club Road, GOR-I, Lahore, Pakistan
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