Civil Society in Kashmir Accuses BJP of Advancing Settler Colonial Agenda

Srinagar, Amid ongoing tensions in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), civil society members have voiced concerns over the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s policies, which they claim are aimed at promoting a settler colonial agenda in the region.

According to Kashmir Media Service, during a recent meeting in Srinagar, civil society members including Dr. Zubair Ahmed, Muhammad Furhan, Muhammad Iqbal Shaheen, and Syed Haider Hussain called for the restoration of articles 370 and 35-A to their original form. They highlighted ongoing atrocities and urged for an immediate resolution to the Kashmir dispute in accordance with United Nations resolutions. The group criticized the BJP’s approach, alleging it enforces political, constitutional, cultural, and economic disempowerment in IIOJK.

The civil society representatives accused the Indian government of stifling the voices of activists and the press, particularly following the controversial revocation of Kashmir’s special status on August 5, 2019. They reported that new restrictions have been imposed to further limit media freedom, contributing to a deteriorating situation over the past five years.

The meeting also touched on the broader implications of India’s policies in Kashmir, describing them as efforts to transform the demographic makeup of the majority-Muslim region into a Hindu-majority territory through land seizures. They discussed the repercussions of such policies, including alleged fake encounters during military operations and the denial of relatives’ rights to claim the bodies of deceased Kashmiris, which they say has instilled widespread fear.

Furthermore, the civil society group condemned what they see as violations of international law and UN resolutions by the BJP-led government, emphasizing the global community’s role in recognizing and responding to these actions.

The members concluded by stressing the urgency of finding a just and lasting solution to the Kashmir dispute, calling on the Indian government to abandon its rigid stance and initiate constructive dialogue that aligns with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.