Civil Society Activists Decry Rise of Hindu Fascism in India Under Modi’s Rule

New Delhi: Concerns over the rise of Hindu fascism in India have been vocally expressed by prominent civil society activists, spotlighting the policies and actions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration since his election in 2014. These activists, including notable figures such as Arundhati Roy, Harsh Mander, and Teesta Setalvad, have criticized the government’s approach towards religious minorities and dissent.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the activists have condemned the transformation of India into what they call a “criminal Hindu fascist enterprise” under Modi, particularly highlighting the adverse effects on Muslims in India and in the Indian-administered region of Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). They argue that Modi’s government, propelled by his historical ties with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) an organization they claim follows Nazi-like ideology has escalated human rights abuses, silenced opposition, and enacted discriminatory policies against Muslims.

The group also pointed out recent laws they perceive as anti-Muslim, suggesting these laws threaten not only the affected communities but also regional peace and stability. Echoing these concerns, international scholars like Noam Chomsky, Angela Davis, and Cornel West have voiced their dismay at India’s deviation from its democratic traditions under Modi’s leadership.

The civil society group has called for urgent international intervention to safeguard the rights of Indian minorities and Kashmiri Muslims, urging global human rights bodies to take action against the rising tide of Hindu nationalism in India.