Civil Law II Examination Scheduled for Civil Judges-cum-Magistrates Posts in Lahore

Lahore, An upcoming competitive examination for the vacant positions of Civil Judges-cum-Magistrates is set to take place, focusing on Paper II (Civil Law-II). Candidates preparing for the judicial roles will undergo the examination as part of the selection process.

According to Lahore High Court, the examination is scheduled to be conducted on the 2nd of March, 2024. This examination is a crucial step in the recruitment process for the vacant posts of Civil Judges-cum-Magistrates, who play a vital role in the judiciary system. The announcement emphasizes the importance of this phase of the examination, which tests candidates on their knowledge of Civil Law.

The competitive examination is a part of the broader effort by the judiciary to fill the critical positions within the civil judicial system. The Lahore High Court’s press release aims to inform and remind all prospective examinees of the schedule, enabling them to prepare accordingly.

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