Lahore, In a move to streamline the driving test process and reduce delays, Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi has announced the establishment of eight additional driving test centres in Lahore. This decision comes in response to the concerns raised by citizens over the current testing facilities.
According to Punjab Portal, Chief Minister Naqvi visited the police khidmat markaz at Liberty, where he interacted with a large number of applicants waiting to take their car driving tests. During his visit, several visitors shared their frustrations about the prolonged waiting times and the inefficiency of the current system.
In response to these concerns, the Chief Minister announced the immediate establishment of eight new driving test centres at Qaddafi Stadium. He directed the Inspector General of Police to take swift action to set up these centres. This initiative aims to expedite the testing process and make it more accessible to the citizens.
The announcement was enthusiastically received by the public, who expressed their support through cheers and slogans. This step by the Chief Minister is seen as a positive development towards improving public services and addressing the needs of the citizens in Punjab.