Chief Minister Punjab message on martyrdom anniversary oF Capt Col Sher Khan

Lahore, July 08, 2021 (PPI-OT):Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has paid rich tributes to the bravery and valour of Capt. Col. Sher Khan who sacrificed his life for keeping the Pakistani flag fluttering at an altitude of 17000 feet.
In his message, the CM said Capt. Col. Sher Khan incurred heavy losses to the wicked enemy and foiled her nefarious designs with his valour and intrepidity.

It is heartening that Capt. Col. Sher Khan set a high example of devotion, responsibility and commitment in the Kargil crisis, he added. The chief minister declared that Capt. Col. Sher Khan was a proud symbol of patriotism, boldness and, even, the enemy acknowledged his absolute fearlessness and gallantry. The whole nation is proud of the great sacrifice rendered by Capt. Col. Sher Khan while defending the beloved motherland, concluded the CM.

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Office of the Chief Minister of Punjab
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