Karachi, In an unexpected move, Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi today conducted a surprise visit to Gangaram Hospital in Lahore, where he encountered substandard sanitation, unclean washrooms, and complaints of corrupt practices. The Chief Minister’s visit brought to light significant issues within the hospital, including allegations of monetary demands for surgical operations.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, Chief Minister Naqvi expressed his deep dissatisfaction with the hospital’s state, particularly the poor sanitation and the alleged unethical practices. Patients and their relatives voiced concerns about being charged for operations, with one female patient mentioning being instructed to purchase medicines from outside the hospital.
Chief Minister Naqvi issued a stern warning to the Hospital’s Medical Superintendent (MS), demanding immediate rectification of these issues. He emphasized that he would conduct another visit soon and hold the responsible parties accountable if the conditions do not improve. Additionally, he ordered an inquiry by the Chief Minister Inspection Team (CMIT) into the allegations of financial impropriety related to surgical operations. The CMIT has been directed to submit its report by the evening of the same day.
Further, the Chief Minister instructed that any money taken from patients under questionable circumstances be returned. He criticized the hospital management for their lack of oversight, stating that regular inspections by the MS could have prevented such deplorable conditions.
Chief Minister Naqvi also reviewed the ongoing construction and upgradation works at the hospital, insisting on the timely completion of the project. He stressed that delays in the upgradation process would not be tolerated, underlining the urgency of improving the hospital’s facilities and services.