Lahore, In an innovative push to enhance public service delivery, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif today unveiled the “Mariam Ki Dastak” app during a ceremony held at a local hotel in Lahore. The app is designed to provide 330 different government services directly to the residents of Punjab, starting with a pilot project in Lahore before expanding district by district.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, Chief Minister Sharif emphasized the app’s role in streamlining access to essential services and reducing bureaucratic hurdles. The “Mariam Ki Dastak” app aims to bring services such as domicile certificates, e-stamping, birth and death registrations, and vehicle transfers right to citizens’ doorsteps.
The launch aligns with a series of community-focused initiatives, such as the distribution of a Rs. 30 billion care package during Ramadan, which provided critical supplies directly to the homes of the needy. Additionally, residents suffering from chronic illnesses like diabetes and cancer are now receiving two months’ worth of medications delivered to their homes, ensuring continuous treatment without the need to visit pharmacies.
The app also aims to enhance safety and emergency responses. For example, it includes features that allow women in emergencies to request police assistance without needing to visit a police station, further enhancing the accessibility of government services.
During her speech, Chief Minister Sharif also highlighted recent successes in combating inflation and improving food security through strategic agricultural policies. She reiterated her commitment to economic stability and youth employment, positioning technological integration as a key strategy for social reform.
The event was not just a demonstration of digital innovation but also a reaffirmation of the Punjab government’s dedication to governance reforms, leveraging technology to enhance the quality of life for its citizens.