Lahore, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has inaugurated a new field hospital in Bahawalpur, marking her second such inauguration in a single day following a similar event in Lahore. The initiative is part of a broader effort to enhance healthcare accessibility in the province.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, after the inauguration, Chief Minister Sharif toured the facility, inspecting various departments including the ultrasound room, pharmacy, and laboratory. She interacted with the medical staff and reviewed the available healthcare services, highlighting the importance of the mobile health unit in extending medical services to remote areas.
Following the official proceedings, Chief Minister Sharif engaged directly with the local community. She responded to an invitation from an elderly woman, Joyria Bibi, visiting her at her home, which led to an impromptu visit to the house of another local, Jamshed Arshad. The visits provided Sharif with firsthand insight into the daily lives and challenges of rural residents.
During her interactions, local women expressed their gratitude with traditional greetings, underscoring the significance of her visit. Sharif praised the simplicity and cleanliness of the rural homes and reaffirmed her commitment to developing infrastructure in Punjab’s villages, including schools, hospitals, and roads.
Additionally, Chief Minister Sharif inaugurated a 26-km long road project at Ahmed Porta Jhangra East, further emphasizing the government’s focus on improving transportation infrastructure in rural areas. The event was attended by notable officials including Special Assistant Zeeshan Malik, MPA Sania Ashiq, and several key secretaries, highlighting the collective effort to drive development in the region.