CDA Chairman Muhammad Ali Randhawa Addresses Rising Fish Deaths in Rawal Dam

Islamabad: In response to the escalating fish mortality in Rawal Dam, CDA Chairman and Chief Commissioner Muhammad Ali Randhawa convened a meeting with key environmental and water management officials. The session focused on tackling the critical issue of water pollution, identified as a likely cause of the reduced oxygen levels affecting aquatic life. Proposed measures include the acceleration of sewage treatment projects and stricter enforcement against pollution sources.

According to Capital Development Authority, the meeting brought together representatives from the Environment Protection Agency, Punjab Small Dams, Fisheries Department, and WASA Rawalpindi. Initial discussions pointed to oxygen deprivation as a potential cause of the fish deaths, pending further analysis from ongoing departmental studies. Chairman Randhawa emphasized the urgency of implementing three sewage treatment plants to address the water quality issues permanently. He also ordered the restoration of wetland sites and the cleanup of solid waste around Rawal Dam and Lake View Park to mitigate pollution inflows from adjacent streams.

The meeting concluded with a directive to enforce Section 144 to curb the dumping of garbage into the Korang and other streams feeding into the Rawal Dam. Additionally, a special cell led by the DG Water Management CDA has been established to systematically manage and reduce water pollution, ensuring continuous oversight and coordination among all relevant departments.