Lahore, In a critical meeting held at the Capital City Police Office, the Capital City Police Officer Bilal Siddique Kamyana, along with senior officers from the Investigation Wing, reviewed the progress of pending cases. The focus was on unresolved road certificates, electricity theft cases, and ongoing investigations. CCPO Lahore urged the Divisional SPs to speed up the resolution of these matters, highlighting the necessity of timely submissions by the concerned prosecutors and the importance of updating police officers’ data in the software system.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, CCPO Kamyana, while addressing the meeting, emphasized the Investigation Wing’s central role in delivering justice. He instructed the Divisional SPs to conduct regular meetings with DSPs and In-charge of Investigation. Kamyana emphasized that investigations should be based on merit, justice, and legal requirements. He stressed the importance of thorough and quality investigations in ensuring justice for victims. Additionally, Kamyana urged the officers to demonstrate dedication and passion in their service to the public, reminding them that providing relief to the citizens is a fundamental duty of the Lahore Police.
The meeting was attended by key officials including DIG (Operations) Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi, DIG (Investigation) Imran Kishwar, SSP (Operations) Syed Ali Raza, SSP (Investigation) Anush Masood Chaudhry, and Divisional SPs (Investigation).