CCP Warns Beverage Companies Over Lack of Disclaimers in Ads Featuring Stunts

Islamabad, The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has issued warnings to several leading beverage companies for airing TV commercials that feature dangerous stunts without appropriate disclaimers. The CCP’s action highlights concerns that these ads may encourage viewers, particularly young adults, to replicate the stunts, which are performed by professionals under controlled conditions.

According to Competition Commission of Pakistan, the lack of disclaimers in these advertisements could mislead viewers about the safety of replicating the stunts, thus withholding critical information. The Commission has pinpointed this practice as a potential violation of Section 10(2)(b) of the Competition Act, 2010, which forbids distributing false or misleading information to consumers. This section of the law aims to protect consumers from deceptive marketing practices that could lead to incorrect perceptions or dangerous behaviors.

The CCP has formally requested the involved beverage firms to submit explanations for their failure to include necessary disclaimers in their advertisements. These companies are expected to respond to the Commission’s inquiry within seven days to address these allegations of non-compliance with national competition laws.